Using PERSONA as a User


PERSONA can absorb ARCANA up to 5 times.
The internal values of the target determine how the internal values of the absorbed PERSONA change, and the absorbed ARCANA disappears.
PERSONA primarily targets ARCANA with FORCE values lower than its own.
If PERSONA absorbs ARCANA with higher FORCE values, there is a higher chance of the absorbing PERSONA’s internal values deteriorating.

• Absorbing Success Rate

The success rate of absorption is determined by comparing the total attribute values of the absorbing and absorbed parties.
Total attribute values are calculated based on weighted internal values.

• Attribute Value Increase on Absorb Success

Based on the specified probabilities, a lottery is conducted for each attribute value to determine the increase.
Example: There is a 35% chance of increasing the value of an absorbed opponent’s attribute by 25% of its value.

• Attribute Value Decrease on Absorb Failure

Based on the specified probabilities, a lottery is conducted for each attribute value to determine the decrease.
Example: There is an 80% chance of decreasing the value of an absorbed opponent’s attribute by 65% of its value.

About PERSONA’s Attribute Values:

PERSONA has six attribute values as parameters:
Attribute values can increase or decrease through Absorb.
They are also used as conditions for executing DrawChain.

    FOR (Force/Energy)
    ABS (Abyss)
    DFT (Determination)
    MND (Mind)
    INT (Intelligence)
    EXP (Experience)

Performing Absorbing

Absorbing can be performed from the “Absorb” page of My Wallet.
Select the target PERSONA and ARCANA, then press “Absorb” to execute the process.

 wallet_absorb absorb_1 absorb_2

■ Functions Executed by Users During Operation

Execution of Absorb Function (Persona.sol):

@param predetor Predator (persona) token ID
@param prey Prey (arcana) token ID
@return true: Successful absorption. false: Failed absorption.
function absorb(uint256 predetor, uint256 prey) public returns (bool)

Executing DrawChain

■ UI

Registering (subscribing) a Square is a prerequisite for using Drawchain.
Afterward, you can execute a Draw by selecting the target Drawchain and your own PERSONA.

 draw1 draw2 draw3 draw4

 draw5 draw6

① Draw the DrawChain
Contract: Drawchain
■ Function Executed by Users During Operation

Execute DrawChain Function (Drawchain.sol):

@param drawChainId DrawChain ID
@param personaId Persona ID
@return 0: Draw failed. Non-zero: Index of history
function draw(uint256 drawChainId, uint256 personaId) public returns (uint256)
② Have the DrawChain creator call it when distributing prizes.
Register the timestamp of the distribution (delivered).
■ Function for Publishers

Register Timestamp Function (Drawchain.sol):

@param historyId History Id returned when draw is successful
function delivered(uint256 historyId)

DrawChain Execution History

■ UI

Users can check their own Draw history from the “Draw History” page of the wallet.

 draw_hist_1 draw_hist_2