What is ANICANA Chain?

Consortium-Based Private Chain

ANICANA is a Quorum-based private chain, on which Validators constitute a decentralized network. Various token issues based on people’s experiences, and smart contracts for token transfers adhere to standards like ERC-1155, ERC-721, ERC-20, and more. An overview of the main use cases is as follows:

1. Become a Network Validator

With implementing the ANICANA package, you can become a participating node (Validator) after being approved by a permission-type node (Knight). The process is designed to be operational even with minimal blockchain expertise.

2. Send Transactions to the Network

Nodes have a JSON-RPC interface compatible with Ethereum series (EVM), allowing connections from existing Ethereum-related tools like Metamask and Remix IDE. Additionally, basic operations can be performed from the ANICANA-exclusive wallet.